Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why don't the pages display fully?
A: This website was designed for a browser window that is at least 800 pixels wide. So if you are having trouble seeing all of the window width check your browser setting to be sure that it is set to a minimum of 800x600 pixels.

Q: Where can I go to sign up? Shooting off big guns is what I want to do!
A: See your local Army Guard recruiter!

Q: It looks like you guys are having way too much fun. How can I join the A Battery Association and re-live history?
A: The first step would be to talk to somebody in the Association to see if this is really for you; and the perfect guy to talk to is Michael Fitz. He can get you up to speed on what we do and how you can help. Click here to be sent to the Contact Us page where you can see the options for contacting Mike.

Q: Your information seems incomplete. What's the problem?
A: Keep in mind that this is a brand spanking new site! While we want to include everything here, it is currently impossible for us to do so. We wish to present nothing but the truth and sometimes it is quite difficult to separate fact from fiction - especially when your dealing with a bunch of old fogies that have a beer in their hands! Keep coming back; I'm sure you'll be glad you did.

Q: Okay, this is good. How can I contribute useful information/photos to your site?
A: I'm glad you asked! Please contact our webmaster and let him know what you have before attempting to send things to us. It's best to contact him by email to get the ball rolling.